Spectrum/Signal Analyzers
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Now through 03/31/25: Save up to 30% and get a FREE software options bundle worth up to $1,400 when you buy a UTS1000 or UTS3000-series Spectrum Analyzer! Learn More Here
Now through 03/31/25: Save up to 30% and get a FREE software options bundle worth up to $1,400 when you buy a UTS1000 or UTS3000-series Spectrum Analyzer! Learn More Here
The UNI-T UTS3000A and UTS5000A series instruments are Signal Analyzers. They do everything our standard UTS1000B/T and UTS3000B/T Spectrum Analyzers do, while offering enhanced specifications and more options. Signal Analyzers can be expanded to offer EMI, Analog Demod, 40MHz RTSA, Digital I/Q, VSA/VNA (S11 and S21), and LTE analysis.
Frequency Range
Phase Noise
Tracking Generator